DT spotlight

David appearing in a chinese program called 欢乐中国行 in 常州 on 11/3. He sang Rain & Love Can. Here's a very funny blog entry abt his appearance in Eason concert. I think if I sit behind him, I will be so mesmerised by his backview that I forget watching the concert even if its Eason ^__^ I find it so unbelievably sweet & sincere of him that he follows what he preaches. He always say audience should stand during a concert and so he did. I don't care what the rest think of you but in my heart, you have always been the most truthful star, one that will always try to do the rite thing but not for show, not for grabbing headlines, not for winning but for yourself. But somehow the spotlight always shine on you.
Anyway it appeared that Sam Chen of EMI has resigned & David when interviewed said that he has yet to work with Sam on an album but he believes his boss absolutely. It seems that EMI only has sales records for David & Nicholas Teo. This whole affair seems not quite rite on the surface. Something vry shady & slimy abt it. Basically only EMI & the singers apart from David & Nicholas will be adversely affected since their sales figures will be questioned if too high. Suffice to say that I would not be at all surprised if after Jolin's EMI contract ended, both she & Sam resurfaced in Jay's company. A bit like Death Notes where the person who on the surface appears noble & honorable is actually the person pulling the strings behind the scene. But I don't really care as none of these ppl interest me. I will not mention this anymore in my blog unless somehow DT is involved.

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