To live or not

Thanks to jk for yr comment regarding David's performance in Wild Day Out. Actually David was very aware that he should have performed with a live band not backing track for this event. When he came out, he told the audience that the next time he will definitely bring his own band. More details here, but sometimes its difficult for a solo singer to sing with a band as they will have to book a band & practise with them in advance. At least he will never in a million years embarrassed himself like Fahrenheit whose tape malfunctioned revealing they were lipsynching & forcing them to sing accapella which was properly not a pleasant experience for the audience cos Tension they definitely are not >"< however since they are the current flavor of the mth, their adoring girlie fans are not that discerning. In the interview afterwards, they said they will work harder on their live performance. But shouldn't they have already worked on their live performance? This is such an old excuse for idol groups launched mainly for their good looks. By the time they worked on their live singing, they would have been replaced by the next flavor of the mth. Tension, oh Tension, plse come back soon *sob*
David was asked abt this incident but he politely said that since he was still in his car, he did not watch their performance. But he did mentioned that some of Fahrenheit's songs were written by his company which I think is New Chinese Songs Ltd. He was also asked whether he would visit Lydia Shum who was hospitalised recently but was actually discharged today. David said that he was aware of her condition but since she is still vry weak, he will not disturb her. When asked whether he will help her daughter, Joyce Cheng to become a successful singer, David said he has not heard her sing but he will help if he can. He believed if Joyce is like her mother, then she can be successful.


Anonymous said...

davidgirl : hahaha they asked him so many Qs !! wow..from tension to lydia sum's dotter? are they so close? but i'm happy that dt answered it fairly well! way de go!!

Zhao said...

Hi hi davidgirl, sounds like u r still high ^_^