23 days to SG Concert

David wrote a song for Gong Shi Jia, new singer from Sg. Apparently her producer knew David & asked him for a song for her debut album so David spend some time with her so he could understand & tailor a song for her. How crazy is that? There are probably others waiting for his songs *cough* Taobao.com, Elva *cough* but instead he went & wrote a song for some unknown singer.
He really acts like the true artist not caring for fame or fortune, depending more on mood & inspiration. Ella of SHE also helped out by acting in her mv. Dun know much abt Gong Shi Jia but still must support local artists, so buy her album when it comes & get the bonus of David's song ^_^
Was asked today abt Memoirs of a Geisha coming soon to a theater near you. But strangely not too disturbed by Chinese acting as Japanese maybe cos the book not written by a Japanese writer. I read it & wasn't impressed compared to say Sei Shanagon's The Pillow Book or Junichiro Tanizaki's The Makioka Sisters. The movie aimed to make lotsa money with lotsa commercial tie-ins & be a Oscar contender. It has a huge budget, talented people working on it & will have a killer soundtrack scored by John Williams with soloists Yoyo Ma & Itzhak Perlman. It tried to be pc & noble abt the subject matter - geishas treating them with utmost respect cos they are not prostitutes but ladies full of refinement & skills. Give me a break, they maybe highly educated ladies but all their tough & strict training was only for the sole purpose to serve & be subservient to men. Sry if they are any Japanese readers but I am only calling a spade a spade not a harvesting implement with long handle.
So the movie have excellent production values, good restricted acting & a professional score. Nothing wrong with that but what purpose does it serve? Will it improve East/West relations, help foster better understanding of Japanese culture or improve the standing of Asian actor in Hollywood? Not really, in fact the celluloid world will probably not miss it if it has not been made at all. Based on a highly popular book, the movie is superfluous since it brings nothing new to the table not even introducing new Asian talents. The main intention is to entertain, make lotsa money & hopefully pick up a few Oscars. Yeah a lot of things like that in the entertainment world including recently released albums (^__*) Anyway just for fun I use my poetry generator on the title & 2 'original' songs:

November Chopin
Spam, Spam do you know what you am?
To never be caught by Rin-Tin-Tin.
And chastise every I am.

Hair like snow
And they took me away as I screamed "no!no!"
into an oriental fellow
there is no lawn to mow

Paparazzi from all fronts
Madonna said after her ritual dog spanking,
When in the course of horrid events
Hey dumbass, that's "Goering!" said Adolf, imploring--

I swear I did not tweak it or anything, this was what came out, I am beginning to have enormous faith in my poetry generator haha


zoe said...

'Memoirs of Geisha' probably will be like the movie 'Anna & the King' play by Jodie Foster & Chow Yun Fat ^^; lol~ havn't watch it yet but thinkin' about a Chinese as Thai king & bunch of Malaysian as Thai's.. must be pretty entertaining indeed XD

was waiting for u to mentions about the *beep* guy XD lol~

Anonymous said...

I noticed Jay's "Hair Like SNow" sounds alot like David's "Susan Said"

But I like david's better, david's voice is SOO much smoother than jays mumble.

Zhao said...

Hi Zoe, yeah forgot Anna & the King, didn't see it either haha but I do like Chow Yun Fat. Hi anon, what I can I say *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Wait so it's not only me that noticed the similarity?

Wow I'm dissapointed in Jay. Jay's music always sounds alike, and so he tries to sound different by taking other people's music?