1 day to Sg Concert

Vry nice 2-pg feature in IWeekly. He used his various song titles to express his thoughts. My chinese not good enough to translate but just the gist which I may even get wrong so plse excuse ^_^
Rain - Now he is 35, David felt that he is more understanding & is able to Let Go more.
I Believe - David find its strange ppl always say they are vry busy (me too), he believes one should find time to make life more meaningful.
Bastard - Abt the media of cos, David just wish they would stop printing so much rubbish (me too).
Melody - Too many K songs. Just cos he is David Tao, dun mean he is not worried abt album sales. He hopes that when he release his new album next February *excited*, he can bring a few changes *yeah yeah*
I love you - David said if he meet the right girl tomorrow, he may propose immediately, very simple.
Love can - Since marriage is forever, his soulmate must be able to give fresh feeling everyday. The most suitable is a female version of David Tao not in looks but character. They must match even in doing the laundry.
I like it - David is impatient to start filming. His movie must have character & be provoking. He felt that even though Steven Spielberg's movies have special effects, they are still very moving. He likes to learn from him.
Black Tangerine - The entertainment world is a big mess. Movies, television & music target the 25-35, forcing them to accept substandard stuff. This is serious Social Issue. David wondered why is no one taking notice? (me too)
Different - David may be a musician worrying abt the standard of his music but dun mean he is not interested in clothes. He felt that clothes can also express one's attitude to life.
He is really so clever plus adorable, such a great combination. Dun really wanna discuss what he said in a private conversation, but of cos the chinese media has no such scruples. Just surprised or maybe not that ppl kept talking abt what was said rather than the intrusion of his privacy or being appalled. So now the media will be more bold cos they were not chastised & may record even more private conversation so celebrites beware what you say. You have even less freedom now. Or maybe the thought just occurred to me the media could have recorded not just David's private conversation but others except they were much too trivial to publicise (^__*)
God that such a funny yet scary thought haha yes I am weird. Anyway what I was trying to say is this passive acceptance of the erosion of privacy just a very small step away from being used to arrest ppl for sedition. And before you know it, Big Brother is watching you. Like David said, why is no one taking notice? Cos they may be brain dead from listening too many K songs. Their only remedy is to attend David Tao's Love Can Concert this Saturday!

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