The Return of David

David will be back soon. Thanks to Davten Yahoo grp for the update, David will be guest @ TVBS entertainment news this Friday. He will most likely stay for a while or proceed to China to lay the plans for his concerts. Vry exciting. His album sales remained strong staying in the top 5 despite being the only album not to have repackaging. I like it that his successes are modest & not too overhyped. I was perhaps a bit harsh before when I thought he was selling out to commercialism but now can see he is just trying to balance commercialism & staying true to his music. I think he is doing an excellent job.
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It seemed during Karen Mok's concert, guest Eason Chan sang a song that was jointly composed by him, David & Stephen Fung. Karen said that she had suggested to her rumored bf Stephen to use this song in his movie but Stephen rejected it, still she asked him to reconsider (think Stephen was in the audience but not sure). Hopefully the song will be featured in her live concert dvd. Also Leo Ku in concert out now, not sure if duet with David will be included.
Just feel that David is such a genuine musican that he worked with other not just cos he want sum kinda promo of his talents. If not for Eason mentioning the song, who would know that he has worked with him & Stephen. Its not just I am his fan, but really he is just the most modest, genuine musician ever & if ppl still think he is this arrogant sod, well I really think u r just reading news that r deliberately biased. Noticed that since he launched his website, this kinda news becoming less & less. Also not so much attack on his integrity as a songwriter. Btw the song written for paparazzi, Sula & Lampa, apparently available @ karaoke.

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