David & his fans

Wow once again you guys truly amazed with your depth in yr mgs to David, just those 4 msgs from Gurl_Julie, missred, bloodbubble & phiii revealed that his fans are just like him - intelligent, well meaning, circumspect & vry vry vry special. We are so fortunate he was borned 36 yrs ago on July 11 & he is so fortunate he has us for his fans. Well, not all due to luck of cos. We became his fans cos of who he is & who we are. Above & below screen captures of Catherine mv from Yatipum who posted the most comprehensive mv captures @ davidcn, thank u so much. I particularly like these cos he looks so sexily pensive, or pensively sexy heehee
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Cos of a running nose, I spend the afternoon on the couch flipping channels & occasionally stopping to watch mtv hopping to catch Fanfan's One to one mv. I didn't catch it but the lack of creativity in asian music & mvs is really saddening. Sum of them r obviously big budget but all they do is copied wholesale from the west. Quite a few even used caucasian models to increase the similarity. Like what David said in his msg, there is nothing really outstanding coming from Chinese music. Its all the same stuff being regurgitated again & again. So sad.

Karen Mok with guest Eason Chan who looked really cute in her concert, I hope she sang sum of the songs David wrote for her like I understand him. Eason, proud new daddy, oso has a new album out called U87, again nothing outstanding only saved by his excellent vocals as always. Not much news abt David, just sum trivia abt him using up 1 lipbalm every 2 to 3 days to relieve stress *faint*


Anonymous said...

Thx for trivia, zhaodi.. so funny!!! At the rate he's using lipbalms, I think we should send him a one year supply for his birthday.. hehe

Zhao said...

Yeah, bloodbubble, we should start a collection for him :P