10 days to HK concerts

Some news articles on DT in HK as his concerts are less than 2 wks away. One talks abt his 10-day trip to Rome & Venice last yr. He brought his parents as well as 10 staff mbrs. At a conservative estimate of US$2k per head, he must have spend at least US$36k. I always hear TW singers saying that they will take their staff for overseas holiday based on how well their albums sell, but this is the first time I know someone actually did take his staff for a thank-you holiday. But it also feels like a farewell gesture too so maybe David will leave EMI after his 6th studio album is released. Anyway its great to know that he is not just generous to his parents but his staff as well. He said that 7 yrs ago he accompanied his parents to Bali but it turned out to be a nightmare. Even though Bali is supposed to be romantic, his parents quarreled the whole time. He chose Egypt for his ideal honeymoon cos he felt it is both romantic & mysterious. Also being a Christian, he read abt Ancient Egypt many times in the Bible. However, most of his female friends said that Egypt is not romantic & they preferred Paris for shopping. Oh well hope he will have the chance to go on a honeymoon soon ^__^


celinewong said...

wow he is so generous !!! :) i wanna work for him!!! yeah, Egypt would be a historical place i would love to visit too! :P come let us organize a trip there and wait for DT's arrival !! i guess he must be REALLY surprised if he sees his banner+flags there! haha!

Zhao said...

Hi hi Celine, yeah it will be a BIG surprise so he just have to get married so we can surprise him :D