First-rate, single DT

Yesterday 6/13 David flew to Nanjing to hold press conference, meet his fans & chat online. No pixs at the moment but hopefully some will be posted. Perhaps the most interesting bit of info is for the first time David admitted that Joanna was his girlfriend but unfortunately with the ex infront so its true that they have broken up. So for those who have been asking: Mr David Tao is currently SINGLE and has NO girlfriend at the moment ^__^
He looks terribly puppy sweet & lost here, make u wanna take him home *__* This is courtesy of Jia from Toronto. Thanks so much for yr detailed email Jia & gorgeous pixs, I agree with everything you said & will continue to work hard on this blog in support of DT. Anyway the chat centered mostly on his future plan to go into films. For his concert, David wants to go back to basics with the focus only on music. He hopes to have more interaction with the audience. Below are some fabulous shots by Jia of the stage & unplugged session during Toronto concert:
This concert really looks & feels like a no-frills Westernised concert. If this is the concept that David is after, then I am vry much for it, apart from the title which has yet to grow on me :P
Before leaving for Nanjing, David went to the training camp for male contestants in a popular Shanghai singing competition, the same one last yr which featured mbrs of Gogoclub. The contestants sang his songs & asked for his advice. He was vry nice & told them not to become a second-rate singer by imitating an idol's style. He advised them to develop their own styles & hope they are able to surpass him. That's something I always respect abt David. He has never sneered at anyone who tries to imitate him nor has he ever insinuated that other singers are imitating him. Also he is extremely sincere when he said he hopes others are able to surpass him. He has never cared or wanted to compete to be the No 1 r&b or pop male mandarin singer. He is more than happy to share the stage with other talented singer/composers & he always treat them with utmost respect. That is something that many chinese music critics, majority of the media & some in the music industry have never really understood about him.
Here he is looking all serious & teachy. Love him like that *__* but can understand why ppl are calling him 'fat' (This is for you, Tangerina). He does not have the average Asian male body which is either lanky or chubby. He has more of a Western male body shape which is solid, muscular with a broad chest.
In fact I am thinking he has almost the same body shape as Brad Pitt. Wonder if he looks like this in the buff *blush* but let's not go there now that he is single again ... erm ... a bit hot in here so how abt a serious vid abt the environment. Find this recording he did for Live Earth in TW telling us in the cutest DT way how to help save the earth:

Video: 環保宣言PK大賽 - 陶吉吉


Anonymous said...

haha DT's so 'geeky' in the video lol the "be cool" + the hand gesture is just dorky yet cute!

Anonymous said...

I agree with msfanjiu. Aww, the breakups are so bitter sweet. Zhaodi, I'm a chronic commenter. I can't help it!

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, in the autograph session pic David is using a kleenex to wipe his sweat I think.

Oh, I'd also like to add about the stage in Toronto... Ideally I think David would want to do more with the stage. But the ACC is a busy venue. When the concert was being held both the Maple Leafs (NHL hockey) and Raptors (NBA basketball) were still playing. So, it is unlikely that DT had the venue for more than one day. My guess is either it was only available for one night, or it would have been too expensive to book 2 days in a row just to set up. DT probably didn't have the luxury of setting up or doing a full rehearsal on the same stage. They probably set up that stage in the morning, and dismantled it after the concert. I do know he rehearsed the day before, but I don't know if it was at the ACC. Just my guess... Still a great show =] Gotta wait n see what the Wooden Men stage will be like. lol

celinewong said...

Hey all!! Jia, how did u spot the tissue was KLEENEX? heheh! funny...
and how come suddenly the news about his breakup surfaced? I thought it was some flying rumours few months old? He confirmed the break up? Any clips?? Gosh! I'm upset to hear about it..I always thought Joanna IS the one :( When I hear his Too Beautiful album, it makes me felt like he wanna proposed to her!! :( :( :(

celinewong said...

oh gosh zhaodi! that pic of BRAD PITT is truly H-O-T !!!!!!! but 6 pax wor..does DT have those?? hahaha!! but yea, DT IS TALL AND SUPER MUSCULAR..*drools*

Zhao said...

Agree with ya msfanjiu, love all yr comments sukyee! Yeah Jia I believe Rain has the same problem with the setting up of his stage which led him to postpone most of his US concerts. Hi hi Celine, I think if DT goes to the gym often enough, he probably be able to have 6 pax like Brad :P