New DT single on 7/21

David's 1st single of his new album called 'Unforgettable' can be heard on 7/21 but now can listen to David introducing it @ e7play (Info credit Perfect David TW Yahoo grp). It sounds great, a romantic, upbeat song. It dun sound like redoing of the old classic & name is diff but for sure David got the inspiration & name from it. As for the image, I really hope they are not making him expose his chest again *sigh* It's a nice chest but I like it better hidden >"< He said that his fans have taste & class, well that is why we probably dun like him exposing himself too much. Anyway so long as the music is good, all can be forgiven I guess.


Anonymous said...

I still prefer his previous hair style, but who cares! NEW ALBUM!!!!!! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I like his previous hair cut more too ... actually I liked him better with longer hair in general. I hate to say it but this haircut reminds me of Jim Carrey's cut in Dumb & Dumber .....

udonotknowme1 said...

Hehe... I agree. And he has the same haircut as my scary former chemistry teacher whose name is also David!

What are the odds of that?