David & The Beatles

Vry cool sexy pixs from Hk mag called Talkies (pixs credit davidcn). A bit dark & moodish but I really like them. Make him look charismatic. Like the clothes too. Btw taozeehk has spanking new look, vry nice, esp profile with changing b/w sketches of David thru the ages plus the most comprehensive list of David's awards, something my blog seriously lacked *sigh* Also they have posted up link @ HKU to dl David Talk, scroll down, in 4 parts & quite fast to dl. Vry enjoyable, he is so humorous & cute. Last part he strummed the guitar & sang Rain, just wonderful. Fell in love with him all over again. As always he mentioned The Beatles as the greatest of all time so went looking for some @ youtube & found their famous performance on the rooftop singing Get Back. Have to admit nvr listen to much Beatles but watching this I can understand why he rave abt them so much. Their sound is so pure, so clean, so fun, so manual, so different from the usual computer generated music we hear today.

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