1 day to HK Love Can concerts

David @ rehearsal in HK & press interview. Seriously cuteness ^__^ Oh he left msg @ his web too, so soon, seriously spoiling his fans heehee watch out David cos we can get used to it *__*
Here can see the special bandage but his hand no longer so swollen *thank god* David said he will still shake hands with fans using his left hand. Hope fans dun get too enthusiastic & grab his right hand cos it can get permanently damaged if it dun set properly. He had a screw inserted & joked that it will set off security @ Coliseum. He also said friends gave him lotsa nicknames including Brokefinger Mountain *so adorable*
He does look vry happy & his voice in great shape as he sang Love Can & Rain. Apparently his mom had always been against him riding bike & now will try & force him to sell it. But David said he will not sell his 2 bikes but he changed his mind buying a 3rd. He will continue to ride his bike but not so fast again. Wonder what bike he ride, hope its a Harley *dreamy sigh*
As mentioned in his msg he's all ready to rock HK & will bring some surprises including Bee Gees medley WOW! Depending on conditions, he could also play the guitar. So happy that he is all bright & cheerful. He does seem to be getting more & more cheerful. In the news clip it was sweet when he tried to hold the mike awkwardly with his right hand, so awfully cute. Also love the tee he is wearing, vry rockish. YEAH MY IDOL ROCKS! ^_+


Anonymous said...

Hi zhaodi, how are you doing? juz read your post abt David singing a Bee Gees medley (aahhhhh, I love Bee Gees songs)....I should be in Hongkong watching the concert with you!!! I hope they have the DVD for this Hongkong concert with the medley included.

By the way, what's your email address?

Take care, Zhaodi, and I hope you meet David in the street.

=O) skybebe

Anonymous said...

OUR idol rocks.... ;P

Zhao said...

Hi Skybebe, hope you have a great time in HK, my email is ultra_snd@yahoo.com
Yeah viv, our Dave rocks :D