David Tao on the air

David arriving in Beijing for his special broadcast @ FM97.4 from 9.00am to 10.00pm. He was late as usual ^_^ but media & his fans waited patiently for close to an hr. When he finally appeared, media rushed to interview him & his fans started to sing his songs making David vry happy & welcomed. The program is broadcasting now, can listen here, just click on the 97.4 logo on top left to open player, sry too lazy to direct link. They just finished interviewing him in the gym where he is coaching 2 beijing djs. He said that the exercise he most disliked is for the legs as his legs are not that strong & also he will feel the pain the day after. However he felt that exercising is not just to show off six pack & muscles but for the whole body & health so he will still workout for the body rather just for appearance sake. The radio dj said it was just like his music where he concentrate not just on giving ear candy but with meanings for the mind & can touch ppl (noticed the mainland announcers are vry good at this kinda thing). Anyway David sounded slightly overwhelmed by all this attention, also vry modest. In fact he sounded ABSOLUTELY SWEET heehee. So happy to catch Leehom's part, he sounded rather rushed as apparently they interviewed him in Malaysia just after he received his award for most pop male singer. Anyway the broadcast is also interspeded with other songs, just heard the most awful one from the group called mama something, its my opinion okie but it was so saccharine I have to listen to at least 6 hrs of Brahms to take away the taste. Anyway have to leave in a while so cannot listen to the whole broadcast *cry* but I think davidcn is recording parts of it & hopefully can listen to the relevant bits, thank you davidcn as always.

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