David, my blog and I

Really like his hair long...mmm...anyway David is mentioned re the recent Global Chinese music awards, & Lee Hom as well:

Countdown Sept.05--Sept.09
cctv.com 09-12-2005 17:16
The 5th Global Chinese Music Awards were held in Kuala Lumpur on September the 3rd. Seven radio stations from Malaysia, Singapore, the Chinese mainland, Taipei and Hong Kong hosted the event. In today's Countdown, we bring the five biggest male winners...
No.2 David Tao
Taiwan is renowned in the Chinese music scene for its laid-back R&B. And one of the stars is David Tao. In recent years, Tao has consistently topped the charts in the Chinese R&B world. He's also a producer of his contemporaries. And it was this talent that earned him the award for Best Producer.
No.1 Lee-Hom Wang
The award for Most Popular Male Singer went to Taiwan veteran Lee-Hom Wang. He's been around for ten years now, and always at the top of his game. Good-looking and accomplished, Lee-Hom Wang was honored as the outstanding artist of Chinese music in Asia.

Answering to beach gurl, the article dun mention dates but for sure there will be promo once it confirmed. So we must get ready to welcome David & the 1st time he will be officially greeted by his official fanclub in Singapore, so vry exciting for u guys, hope u have yr banners & placards all ready heehee
Now meet Andrea, another non-asian fan of David from Canada, scroll down to read ^__^
Who is one person that you would really like to meet one day?
I'd like to meet David Tao. I really admire his faith and how he uses his gifts for God's glory.

Answering to cookie, actually am constantly surprised myself how my blog has so much english stuff on David considering only have 1 news alert on him, this blog may look like I am constantly on the lookout for his news but the truth is I am really lazy haha & rely on his other fansites to feed me the news so shoutout to them too!
Actually must hug & kiss my blog cos imma really good stretch here where I actually feel good abt myself for a change & really think its cos I have this blog so yeah David to the rescue again *muak* I just feel good blogging abt him. In the past I tried other blogs but it was diff to blog abt myself but there just so much positive stuff abt David that its hardly a chore to blog at all. It's a pleasure to blog abt him *__*
Like I just finished reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro & altho I felt torn inside out afterwards, it was not too bad, sorta resigned if resigned is the rite word. I mean there is horror but also inevitability cos the world he wrote abt is really what happening now in a less gothic scale. Like Kentucky Fried Cruelty & ppl say what's the big deal, its just chickens but what's so wrong abt wanting a humane way to eat chickens. They may be just chickens but they do feel pain. The thing is when ppl get callous abt chickens then of cos the world described in Never Let Me Go can't be far behind. Anyway just wanna point out how much David & this blog has helped me gain a far more realistic perspective abt the world & not get depressed all the time. Now to end on a positive note is the 1998 MTV Video Music Awards Nominees, scroll rite down to MTV Mandarin & see:
David Tao
Video: "Beside The Airport"
Director: Chen Hong Yi, Golden Point

They got the name wrong but still it was his very first hit & his very first video - not a single soul in the world can ever take this achievement away from him.

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