Jaycee Chan, Jackie Chan's son, & David standing next to his dad at sum award show in China. Post Jaycee cos he mentioned in 1 of his interviews that he envied David cos he only do music, dun need to do movies, promos, endorsements, etc. Just wondered if Jaycee so interested in music, why dun he just focus on it like David? What stopping him? Oso just amazed at how he depended on his parents. His mum who apparently well know movie star turned up at sum promos creating news. His dad replaced him at 1 Coco Cola promo in China cos he was busy filming & it became like huge event. I read news report cos David was oso there but more low profile. Actually Jaycee seems like a vry nice guy, except maybe he should stand on his own two feet a bit more? U can listen to his song here, dun what to say except maybe he should focus on making movies.

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