
So peaceful & quiet heehee hope it stays that way. Was that really fireworks coming out of his guitar? Watched the Love Can dvd again & he really put his heart & soul into his singing. Also although, to be honest, it was not quite as entertaining as Soul Power dvd, I felt that this was one concert where you had to be in the live audience to really enjoy and experience the music of David Tao. At times David looked like a music messiah as he sang with such passion & verve. So ppl in Msia, get ready for Love Can in Oct!
Anyway our hardworking David is toiling away at his new album. Hope his record co will give him the necessary time & space. He took his time with The Great Leap & look what happened. The album got him nominated & more awards than singers who released 2 or 3 albums. I am not trying to say he is better or anything but that is the honest truth. Actually I am surprised myself how much the chinese music industry seems to like & respect The Great Leap cos it really didn't have that great reviews when it came out. I thought it would become the kind of album that only fans & music-lovers would valued. But I have learned always to expect the unexpected from David ^__^

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