Sept new album release

2 nice pixs of Papa Tao receiving David's award from Jacky & A-Mei. David has send email to thank all those who have helped in the production & release of The Great Leap 2005. He is vry happy but said his dad messed up his speech ^__^ He will be flying to TW in a few days *JOY* to hand in his tape. His album is set to be released in mid-Sept & pre-ordering mid-Aug but for sure there will be further confirmation of dates once he is back.
Sina has the entire transcript of GMA ceremony and loved the part where Jacky told Tao Dawei he was curious cos he saw him holding many pages so he wanted to know how many? Tao Dawei said there were 6 pages of speeches. David had separately written 6 acceptance speeches for all the awards he was nominated for. I am so astounded! How can you not love & respect this guy? Maybe ppl think he did not respect GMA by not attending. But he really did had a deadline to fulfil for his new album. Besides there are many ways to show respect & one of them I feel is to prepare a thank you speech so you will not be at a loss for words or be misunderstood. I feel it shows sincerity & thoughtfulness & that the winner treat the ceremony & his fellow nominees with dignity & respect. But David is such a rare breed I guess ^__^


Anonymous said...

Wow David is prepared.

But I you know people interpert things in different ways.

Some media retard out there might just make an accusation saying that David is pompous making 6 awards as if he thought he was going to win them all.

You know how the taiwanese media is, grrr I hate them.


zoe said...

lol~ I was thinkin' the same thing too~ but then again that's kinda show that he didn't really actually know which award he's goin' to win XD.. if he didn't win any .. well the pressure gona on his dad~ but oh well better be well prepare than not doin' anything & let poor daddy goin' upstage speech-less~!

now I wonder what's in the other messages David prepare 4 other awards XD it sound interesting :P

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes Yes ... I'm also curious to know the other 5 messages ...

Every small little action tells a lot about a person ... While competing with time in this material world, we tend to take things for granted and forget about the simplest, yet important, things in life. He's a REAL inspiration.

Anonymous said...

yes i agree totally.. an unpretentious talent like him is a true gem. David's my REAL inspiration!!! really looking forward to his upcoming album!