David the director

Hi Mag & welcome to blog, like dreamsztar said u can join SGFC forum to chat abt David. Will post info abt his HK concerts once there is official confirmation okie. Lisa Fan, watched the Lisa segment on TV so not sure if there's a link but I will look diligently as I really enjoyed her performance so much. She also sang a Taiwanese song & really showed her range. She is really so much prettier than in the concert pixs, not that she dun look good there but a more simple sweet look.
Hey Jae, r u planning to go to HK concert? Yeah DT fans increase slowly but steadily. Like to share this surreal forum chat where sumone heard Black Tangerine in China by chance & decided to look for it cos reminded me when I heard BT just after he released Ultrasound. Remembered the song straightaway as I heard him sang it in award show sumtime ago. It was the first & only time I bought CD of unknown singer based on 1 song ^__^ So yeah Mag I am real uber fan heehee Zoe my cyberfriend so glad u know those Thai singers I mentioned.
During interview after TW concerts, David said as planned he will be going into movies as early as nxt yr. He hopes to start writing script end of this yr & start filming nxt yr. It will probably be black comedy & he promised to bring us 'surprises' like in his concerts. A bit depressed he is going into movies so soon altho he did promised another 2 more albums or maybe his 6th studio album will be soundtrack for his movie, that will be real exciting.
Dear David, even tho can't bear to let you leave the music scene still if that's what you want to do then 100% support you. So do try & attend his upcoming concerts in HK & Malaysia cos if he start filming nxt yr, who knows when he will stage another series of concerts or whether he will still want to have concerts *sad tears* Anyway here's short clip of his TW concert to enjoy, info credit TW Yahoo Grp.
Pixs credit Hype Records & DFTC

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