Okaaaaay, did a bit of updating the links & stuff so now I am on Twitter as well ^__^ Anyway probably won't do a lot of posting there as I don't have the time, I will just be following DT. Now that I got over the shock that it's really him on Twitter & D6T9, I think it's really great that he is using freely available net resources like Twitter & Youtube to connect with his fans. I mean why not? Who says a singer/composer has to be this secret, mysterious figure that you can only idolise? Isn't this what we all have been hoping for? That David would talk to us and answer our questions? Also he reveals a very silly, mischevious side to him that we hardly ever get to see when he is on TV or radio. Here's a screencap from a DTFCer that encapsulated that exactly:
(Screencap courtesy & thanks to DTFC)Anyway re-reading his posts on the stuff he had been working on his new album made me so excited! Can't wait till the album drop YAH!!!!!!!
haha yeess...i couldn't believe it was him at first. He really knows how to surprise us. This is exactly the kind of interaction i've been hoping for, especially for ppl like us who are continents apart :)
haha, i wonder how many of us joined twitter just to follow him.
Yo Tangerina, long time no talk hehe. Have you joined yet? Agreed with you Anon :D
small_is_big, that is me...i've added u :)
Agreed with Anonymous!
Seriously, I joined twitter just to follow DT. N' I also added you, Zhao!
~Noshka ^__^
OK I shall add all of you too *_*
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