DT rocks Children's Day

David visited a school for children from earthquake affected areas in Chengdu in honor of 6/1 Children's Day. First he taught them to sing a traditional chinese children song called 'Two Tigers'. Then he got them to bang on the table & sang the classic Queen's We will rock you. Finally they sang Marry me today. Below some vids of the event, first thanks to Annie & the other 2 credit & thanks to DTFC:

Just so DT to even pronounce the 'apostrophe' ^__^ Anyway I am satisfied with his low key efforts to help out. Not sure if he has any other earthquake related activities planned or he will be heading back to LA to work on his album. Hope he gets plenty of rest. For sure he looks like getting into some serious work mode what with his black framed glasses & slightly unshaven look:
Also sneaked this pix from DTFC of his press conference yesterday. Kinda funny he is wearing a smaller sized tee than Yanzi *__* These 2 really look nice together & hope they can find a way to work together in future.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

They are really nice video clips. Thanks for sharing.

I love the way DT teached kids to sing and read. If he were a teacher, he must be a strict one ^_^V He heee


Zhao said...

Hi Noshka, yeah DT makes a good teach :)