The impossibly gorgeous Mr David Tao, pixs credit to an amazing photographer Gabe thanx to link info from Phii. There's more pixs of the Metro Square press conference on her site but I have to warn DT fans, its DEFINITELY not for the faint-hearted ^__^ You find it hard to breathe after viewing. So David, you certainly did it. The continuous outpour of praise from netizens is just proof that you always give your 100%, no 1000%, to every concert you staged. Your showmanship is top-rated & your live singing captivates because you hardly ever sing without passion. I hope somehow you will get to know about the crazy no of bloggers who rushed to tell the world how great you are including this beautifully written xanga piece & from msFANjiu, thank you for yr comments *__*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all of you enjoyed the DT photos as much as I enjoyed being so close to him. DT ROCKS!!!!

Gabe (from gabetoth.com)