Not in control

So adorable *sigh* guess I got over my sulks or David got me back again as he always does ^__^ Still can't expect him to save the chinese music industry singlehandedly rite? It's not as if I see him twirling his hair on TV for some shampoo. He is just being DT concentrating on doing what he loves best. Gotta admit his msg cheer me up, he writes so brilliantly. Like what he said in his msg - we are often not in control of our lives and life, in general. That's so me *__* Vry glad he is working with Goh Kheng Long again. Anyway he got me looking forward to his entirely new & fresh concert!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!=) haha.. yup David dropped by in sg n also met up with his backup vocalist David Tan for supper, and according to a friend who was invited along too, the two Davids sounded very much alike at ktv=P. heh anyway glad u've sprung back!

Anonymous said...

I thought of wishing you “welcome back!”, but after consideration, I do not think you have ever “left”… Anyway, glad to know that things have sprung back as before. We could never say enough thank you for all your hard work, effort and passion. Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

I share with you the emptiness feeling when our great idol seems to have distant from us but good to hear that his distancing is actually to be closer to us.

Anonymous said...

Haha, that was fast! When you love something you'll never stop. Although it does get scary when you wake up some days and feel absolutely nothing, huh?

I love his writing too! I literally printed out all his posts and read them when I feel down. :D Nice to see you back.

Zhao said...

Thanks Sukyee, Jane & esp Opalibran for yr DT story :D