DT & Master Kong

Thanks Noshka for msg regarding DT's new ad for Icetea & he does look very fine in there ^__^ According to DTFC, Icetea activities for music competition will also be starting soon in various Chinese cities. His endorsement with Master Kong Ice Tea, its full & proper name in China, seems very successful:
We continued to market Ice Tea through our music strategy by engaging Tao Zhe as spokesman, and participants of msuic activities reached its highest level in the current year, and successfully brought Master Kong Ice Tea closer to its consumers through leverage on music.
Saw some news abt Superband concert but don't think David attended. All I can say is -- his album better be good for making us wait so long. I am not even gonna mention his movie :P


Anonymous said...

Dear Zhao,

According to a blog, he was spotted at the concert, but appeared in no pic or video. Pretty low-file ha!


Anonymous said...

"low-profile", hehe :P


Anonymous said...

Hello All!

Good news!

DT's 123 concert will be released as the DVD (china version).

lets check it out!


Zhao said...

Thanks Tiggeress & anon for yr helpful info abt DT.