Thank you for sharing

(pix credit NAFTAO) Such a charismatic gaze *heart stop* Thanks Mabel & Jia for clarification regarding the autograph session:
Mabel said...
The press conference + autograph session was scheduled for 5-7, signing started at 5:30, and ended at 6:00. So it was only half an hour. Yes, part of the line was cut off...I guess people who didn't come early enough to line up didn't get to get an autograph. :(
Jia said...
Yes, unfortunately, not everyone there was able to get an autograph from David. However, he signed very quickly and did his best to meet alot of fans. It was really incredible how many ppl he WAS able to sign for in so short a time. I may be wrong, but it seemed to me that the people who were unable to get autographs were people who lined up at (or very close to) 5pm or after. Anyone who arrived a bit earlier or even at 4:30 (one of my friends) were able to get autographs. DT was extremely polite and took initiative to greet all his fans before they were all the way up to the table haha!
Sorry things have been so busy for me these days, but I'll have a concert report and photos to contribute ASAP! =]

Look forward to yr report & pixs Jia ^__^ Guess its hard to plse everyone but I believed that David did try his best to sign for everyone. Dun know why it was cut short but maybe David need to rush back to ACC to set up his equipment & rehearse. After all he was there for a concert. The other complaint which was quite silly was the poster on sale which cost 10 bucks. It was a normal concert poster which had sponsor logos below & dun think anyone was forced to buy it. David was allowed to sign anything including guitars clearly seen in Gabe's pixs & thanks Gabe for yr comment & sharing yr pixs:
Hope all of you enjoyed the DT photos as much as I enjoyed being so close to him. DT ROCKS!!!!
Gabe (from gabetoth.com)

Yeah, we all envied you dear *__*
(Pix credit originally_ginaly) He really looked in his element onstage. Thanks Mark for the concert info cos someone told me that it was not even half-filled which I thought was strange. Also Mark has already posted a marvellous review at davidtao.com forum.
Hi Zhaodi,
I think there were still tickets avaialable on the day, but if it wasn't full house, it was very very close to full house - there were no obvious gaps in the audience, and the place was buzzing!

For you I stole this pix from a hater who refused to believe that David actually has 'white' fans heehee
Really wanna thank everyone for generously sharing your concert pixs, vids, info & reports. There are so many clips being posted @ youtube! So happy that his 1st NA concert had such great, enthusiastic response. Ppl just used one word to describe it - AWESOME! During his closing speech he said that if you love doing what you are doing, then you will be good at it & excel. Watch it here, (link credit Xris). I think it most certainly applies to himself as he loves to perform & he is soooooooooo good at it. Apparently he was held at Canadian immigration when he told them that he was there to perform ^__^ kinda reminded me of Oscar Wilde when he said he had nothing to declare but his genius ... just like our Dave to be so devilishly humorous. How can you not adore a guy like that? Finally some clips of his appearance @ Metro Square from arrival to short speech to a quick goodbye:


Anonymous said...

unfortunately i waz unable to get an autograph cuz i waz busy doing sumthing b4 n got there right at 5..but yea..i actually met that white person in the pic above with the red backpack...i waz on the second floor (u could see mee at the edge of the second video in ocean blue) and he walked passed mee..i noticed him at the bottom n waz glad david had white fans....so i asked him if i could see his autographed "beautiful" album...david has such a pretty signature... n e wayz...we were talking for a bit n turns out he lives in hk n flew here just to see davids concert...such a dedicated fan

btw im the anonymous commentator from b4 about the awesome concert post..

Anonymous said...

I took a pretty good video of David talking at the end of the autograph session... you can view it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2bQOoVcyNw

Zhao said...

Yeah anon that's Mark, so glad u met him. Thank u so much Mabel & Noshka for ur vid links. U guys rock!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I actually saw two white fans at the conert. I was *very* surprised he does have white fans...I saw these two white guys in the audience that night and they seem to really know his music, singing along and having a great time!