There is criticism that David too westernised to be relevant to chinese music. I agreed that sumtimes he dun behave like chinese do as he is more open and daring. But here can read lyrics of Tension's songs especially Smart. The lyrics & rap written by David really show that he knows what it is like to be chinese.

Oso this flash vry interesting cos haf David's chinese name all over it but not a song written or sung by David. This ep of sum underground taiwanese singer whose voice slightly resembled David. This song roughly translated My character is very strong haf underlying melody rather similar to Bastard, so maybe why mistaken for David's song altho most fans know not his. Still quite nice flash and vry well done, I like it myself.

Okie 4 all the disgruntled jay fans b4 they post more rude msgs on tagboard kekekekeke, here can see David & Jay working together when David was guest at Jay's concert. Prolly last & only time u see the two working together cos dun think they do it again as musical direction 2 different. Oso David specially arranged his song Rain for Jay to sing at concert, so jay fans who kept whining that jay's version better than David might wanna remember that hehehehehe.

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