DT in Tianjin

Posting some nice pixs of DT to remind how he looks like ^__^ Anyway he did pop up in Taipei every now and again the past few months but it was more like promo stuff & nothing to do with his music *sigh* Apparently he will appear in a largescale concert in Tianjin on 5/25 & reportedly will sing a new song. They always said he would sing a new song but he had never done it so I guessing this time will be no different.
I don't think there any chance of his album coming out this month, in fact I am beginning to think his album will not come out under Typhoon Gold Label. It's much too long a delay & my guess is they are just waiting till his 2-year contract with Icetea is up & they go their separate ways. DT will hopefully released the album independently. This is just my guessing so don't take it for real. But the fact is both DT & Typhoon have not said anything abt either the album or whether DT will remain at Typhoon make me suspect that things are not going well. No matter what I will still support DT in whatever he wants to do whether its music or film.


Anonymous said...

Long time nt heard about DT's News...
I hope can heard some about his movie...
Dunno when his movie will come out...
Longt time i heard it...
but until now i haven't see it...

(DT's Fans)

Anonymous said...

Waiting waiting waiting for his movie and album .....

Anonymous said...

Same here!