David's CM songs

News clip of David & Jane Zhang singing Honda Civic song, clip credit TW Perfect David yahoo grp. Liking the song more & more cos it sounded totally unexpected but think he wrote more for Jane's vocals than his so her version more to showcase. Also Jane has vry unusual voice, low like Tsai Chin & more suitable for ballads. Could be why David wrote the song in this balladsy style & that's how he sang it low-key & sneaking it that bit of Chinese instrumental which I totally adored.
Jane upped the tempo & gave the song more r&b treatment. Not sure who arranged her song but for sure David supplied demo. Anyway Jane does her Mariah thing and its good & showy but I honestly dun think much of her r&b style. I mean she can hit the notes & all but just don't do anything for me. She is just singing r&b & not the song. But still vry good job & it IS a DT song she is singing well after all ... haha now I sound like AI critic.
So marvellous they can separately give 2 vry different performance of the same song. Also showing the tremendous versatility of David as songwriter. Guess its just like him not to compromise & come up with another lovely cm song like Every side is beautiful which is proving so popular with his fans that already ringtone & ktv now available. Btw replaced with full version on Ultrasound site & if u haven't heard it, you must for the wicked hiphop intro. Just luv luv luv the way he mixed in the popular trend of hiphop & 'China wind' into the 2 cm songs. Almost like he is doing it tongue-in-cheek cos they are the current trends & every songwriter is doing it for the sake of being trendy. Being the superb songwriter, he can blend them in so well, just so WICKED of him heehee love him! Yeah, this made it 3 out of 3 - all 3 cm songs he wrote so far I enjoy tremendously.
KL Love Can concert details up on Galaxy including seating plan. Not sure if u can book online @ Ticketcharge like Stefanie Sun's. BIG THANK YOU to davefan again for the following concert info:
davefan [1:28:46 AM] And the good news is that ticket pre-sale period is from 1st - 16th April, 30% discount for fans who buy david + eason chan's concerts together. That's great, coz i dun mind watching eason concert on 26 August at all and i'm gonna get 30% dscount!!! Oh, do note that its only for Hotlink members.....its ealsy to join coz its a prepaid so even if you are not a Hotlink 012 or 017, you are bound to find a friend using Hotlink. ahaha. davefan [1:24:15 AM] i checked with th organiser for Malaysia Concert,they are not using the whole of the stadium, so the concert only for 15,000 fans.
So lotsa David to look forward, concerts in April & May, Jul/Aug album release, then hopefully he may tour US & Canada, then shooting movie nxt yr *breathe in breathe out* & for those wanting more of David in english, english demo of I Love You.

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