David Tao Music Kitchen

Short clip from David Tao Music Kitchen where Lydia Shum explained to David why she wanted to cook for him. Mostly cos when her daughter Yan Yee was feeling discouraged when she was on a diet, Lydia asked David to send encouragement cos he is her daughter's idol. David send her vid to encourage her & Lydia is vry grateful. Then this was so touching when Lydia told him that the late Lesley Cheung was also admirer of David's talents. Once when she was playing mahjong at his place, Lesley told her abt this 'extremely talented songwriter' & played David's Moon over whose heart for her. I felt so proud that Lesley recognised David's talents. Always love & admire Lesley, he is my fav amongst the HK actors. Really bring tears to my eyes cos David once again proved the true meaning of good music. There will never be another Lesley Cheung & there will never be another David Tao. They are truly unique.
Another good news is David has a new studio! When Emil Chau's studio lease was up, he let David have it as he already built a brand new studio in China. So now David can record his songs whenever he felt like it in Taipei. Also hopefully Tension can use it too when *fingers crossed* they plan to release new album. So long since we heard from them.

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