David in Free Paper

A great big thank you to taozeehk for link to Free Paper interview with David. Actually already heard the sound file posted @ davidcn & felt its really excellent where David gave some of his strongest views on the current situation in Chinese entertainment. On the difference between HK & TW music scene, he felt its becoming more & more similar with globalisaton. Whereas in the past, songs were written without undue worry abt whether it can be sung in ktv, now everybody is looking to enter the same market which is China as there is more money to be made there. Whether it movies or music, now it is motivated by profits. So everybody is doing the same thing without difference or variation. He felt its much more important to be yourself.
He was funny when he was asked abt the title the media gave him - Godfather of R&B. He even imitated Marlon Brando. Then he gave a very interesting theory abt why there are so many good Korean singers. Christanity is very popular in Korea & a lot of young Koreans attended church & sang in the choir like the Black Americans, they are very much influenced by gospel music. So they had this kind of soulful vocal training from young. Yeah, I did wondered myself why the Koreans sang so much better. Anyway maybe Jae from Korea can have your say.
David said his main reason for making music is not for himself but for God. But not every song, however in each of his album he will put in special meanings which will not be clear to everyone. But hopefully people who hear his music will be touched. He also felt courage is also important when making music as you have to bare your emotions to the world & that can be difficult. Then he reiterated about his dream of making movies. He also felt he is very blessed in his life in that everytime he encountered difficulties, there would appeared a 'special person' who would help him out. A few years ago he had a lot of struggles when his career stalled but it wasn't too bad & he had a lot of good friends.
He felt very touched by his fans who tell him that his music gave them strength especially the fan who was suicidal & cannot live on, but listening to Butterfly gave him to courage to carry on. David said he wrote Butterfuly when he was at his most depressed & knowing that it helped someone, he understand the reason why he writes music. David was very humorous when he said that during a sermon abt not longing for material things like money, houses, cars, jewellery, he felt the sermon was pointing at him as he has a lot of cars ^__^
There is a lot more he said in the interview which is hard to transcript. Anyway the interviewer in Free Paper concluded by saying there are a few talented musicians in Taiwan but it seemed they are becoming more entertainers. That David is able to have such good achievements in this kind of market is a testament to his sincerity & asked if we think God will reward him with a Ferrari? *yeah yeah*
(Text & pixs credit Free Paper)
Btw congratulations to David! All tickets to his HK Love Can concerts in April are sold out, info credit to Kitty from HK. At the moment, not sure if he will be adding another show.

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