Paradise Lost

Not sure if I post this before but its rather cute & also he is the perfect weight here. Now he is still too thin. I think David mentioned his target is Brad Pitt, well Brad is nvr too thin.
Just read that some Isreali families who lost children in Palestine suicide attacks want Paradise Now to to be disqualify from the Oscars. Earlier Steven Speilberg's Munich also received hostile response from the Isrealis. If we look at the 5 movies nominated for Oscars, most of them addressed geuinue problems in the world today. Although Brokeback Mountain is the one with the most attention, I think Munich deserved the Oscar.
Yes, David is not the center of my life ^__^ Other things demand my attention. Like when will China stop making wuxia blockbuster? What was Chen Kaige thinking of when he made The Promise? When will singer/songwriter stop putting chinese opera into their songs? The latest is Tank in his song Three Kingdoms. Anson Hu's latest single is called Emperor. I hesitate to listen to it for fear it may also feature chinese opera.
Could be the reason why I seldom mention other Asian singers in my blog cos I probably end up offending their fans >"< Just that I find so little to get excited abt in asian entertainment anymore. Its really all abt numbers now - no of albums sold, no of votes, no of ktv hits etc, so much so there always a suspicion of fantasy. In claiming Rain sold a million albums across Asia, half were in China. Nic Tse was said to have sold a million across Asia outside China, but his was not the bestselling album in HK.
Of cos David has already spoken out abt this before but nobody ever takes any notice, maybe just a few of his fans like me who nodded at his wisdom. He is getting more & more sidelined *sigh* Noticed he is hardly nominated in any award shows. Not that I cared cos as far as I am concerned way too many sponsored Chinese music award shows to be taken seriously & most awards seem to be given to please fans. While I do fear David's popularity & support slipping away, it is alas reality. He is no longer seen as a trendsetting songwriter although I have to say they are just kidding themselves. The Great Leap 2005 has influenced more singer/songwriter than they dared to admit. I would say its probably the most influential album of 2005. But then David always works in mysterious ways *__*
(Singerhick pix of bespectacled David)

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