Back with vengeance

I think I should just carry on irregardless. As promised I will not post anything to hurt David but cannot sanitise my blog too much or it will just be meaningless. I totally understand his rage against the media and it was the most ugly way to besmirch his character with deliberate intent. And I admitted I was shocked & dismayed at first but I would have got round to thinking that this behavior cannot be David. Alrite he is no angel but I have always believed and will always believe he is an honorable man. I don't know why or who want to hurt him but I guess as usual if you are someone who is forward thinking and tries to bring about change for the better, you are bound to make enemies. I really wish I could protect him but its way beyond me.
All I can do is carry on what I have done so far in my blog, to create a little David Tao paradise where he can be admired, praised, loved, adored, idolised, cherished, respected, appreciated, worshipped, treasured, supported and most of all celebrated for never backing down. He is already a hero in my eyes and I don't care what else some section of the media want to write about him. Publish and be damned so said the Duke of Wellington. Once again David is in good company ^__^ and already his complaint about the incident is being noticed. Of cos they will said he is being explosive & other unkind things but they always said that, nothing new. Or that the comparision to Nazi propaganda is extreme but at least he has the guts to voice it out. He always has the guts to do the things others hesitate to do.
But more trouble is brewing for David as not sure but think due to major restructuring in EMI, its uncertain whether David will stay in EMI or move to Virgin. I do hope things will work out well but guess David will stay out of sight for a while *sigh* Comment has been removed as the spam is getting tiresome & nobody bothers to comment anyway. Also shoutbox for the time being as a bit tired of cryptic msgs. If you have any news abt David you would like to share, plse do so at the forum as it would be more permanent thank you.

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