6 days to TP concerts

Its extremely scary >"< Has the chinese music world gone absolutely bonkers? First, we have Jay taking on the Village People singlehandedly. Wonder which image he will go for next? I'm tossed between the chief or the miner but the miner wins easily. The helmet, the sunnies, the sleeveless vest, how can he resist ^__^
Now we have David going topless & changing himself into a huge, extremely creepy icky purple butterfly AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sigh*
Actually just joking haha cos he looks amazingly fit & as the adage goes "If you have it, flaunt it!" :P This is for the cover of Power of Live cd/dvd which will contain footage of his 2003 Soul Power concert in Taipei. David said this is his most memorable concert with 400000 attendance record. He felt that to have such a concert in his life is enough & he wants to let his fans revisit the memories as well as let them see how he has grown & developed. I believe he is also fulfilling his promises to his TW fans that he will release live TP concert dvd & expose his marvellous chest *__*
The cover concept is also his idea. His inspiration came from the Butterfly Effect:
If a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, the ripple effect could cause a tempest on the other.
He feels that the Butterfly Effect really exist in his life. A single line from his lyric or melody can slowly but surely permeated our emotional world to change our lives. Some may think he is very arrogant to say that but it is true that many of his songs has affected a lot of his fans & sometimes even change their way of thinking. Anyway I don't care what other people think cos I honestly feel this is the best gift he can give his fans. His physically fit body, his inspiration from the Butterfly effect, his newly arranged songs, concert footage from 2003 Soul Power - arguably still his best series of concerts to date. Power of Live will be released on the first day of his TP concert - 10/26.
The other thing that the butterfly represents is metamorphosis & I think this is what he wants to tell us as well. Metamorphosis is an irreversible process, the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Many of us always want David to do another Soul Power series of concerts, another Black Tangerine album, another Airport in 10.30, another old song cum accapella. David has so far resisted any of them. Perhaps this is his strongest & also his weakest point. I have often wondered why he doesn't revert back to the simple format of Soul Power in his concerts. It could be that he just stubbornly doesn't want to do the same thing again even though it is his most successful & fairly obvious that this is what the majority of fans want. The same with accapella. If he wanted to, he could have become the king of accapella in Asia cos he is one of the most successful incorporating into mainstream music. Probably the only reason it hasn't caught on like his chinese flavored r&b is cos its not a vry easy genre to do well. Also we want David to stay the David we like best but just like the butterfly, the change in David is irreversible. It is totally organic & came about not because he wants to change but cos of the different circumstances in his life journey.
Maybe a lot of fans cannot accept this barechested image of David but don't forget this is not the 1st time he stripped. He did it 5 yrs ago in Black Tangerine mv & its amazing how little he has changed physically apart from being more muscular. Anyway nudity is not such a big deal really. I think I will be more offended if he is posed holding a rifle. I like it & I even think he looks better than Brad Pitt but only cos I am such uber fan totally mesmerised by him ^__^ such a hunk *sigh*
There will not be a third concert in Taipei as the ticket sales for both dates are only 80% sold. Glad he is so open & realistic abt his concert ticket sales cos I am vry tired of this cavalier attitude to holding concert here. Almost every artist is striving to hold the biggest, most attended concert & its just like album sales where extravagant figures are being bandied abt when really most everybody knows that piracy & illegal download have taken their toll. Still no one has yet dared to claim a record-breaking concert probably cos they will be hardpressed to provide evidence of actual sales vs free tickets. Its easier with albums where record companies have been know to buy up thousands of albums to push up sales figures. The most widely claimed though is the lame fastest selling tickets or most sales revenue within the shortest time. David is vry lucky to be able to hold 3 series of concerts so far & not having the concerts entirely sold out is the least of his worries.

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