The Irreplaceable David Tao :)

First Jay fans, now Leehom fans *sigh* I really do not understand what it is they want from a David Tao fansite? Anyway if you wanna give up on David cos of my comments or what Hu Defu said, plse do go ahead I urge you & have a nice life. Just leave us alone to admire & appreciate our idol. Even if my comments are useless, they are still mine to made. Life's too short. Go & listen to some Leehom songs instead. Meanwhile, I just want to go back to admiring my gorgeous, wonderful, amazing, absolutely perfect, irreplaceable DAVID TAO ^__^
Mmmmmm ... stray hair on face ... tight torso ... yummy ... the only one for me!


Anonymous said...

..I'm guessing your refering to the comment I made?

First of all I was defending you. I said that it's inevitable that this blog is biased because it's FANBLOG and therefore when someone visits this blog it's expected that there is a bias, just as every fan blog has a bias. That's why I don't mind when you criticize other artists and claim how "perfect" DAvid is, and therefore that's why I never posted any comments critisizing you for critisizing other artists because I know as a fan it's inevitable and expected. Therefore I explained to whoever was complaining that you "diss" other artists, that this is a DAVID TAO FAN BLOG after all and they can't come on here expecting you to be kissing up to every artist in the world.

But you completely twisted my words up.

Second of all I'm a David fan too, and just because I react to something that Hu Defu said about Leehom does not make me any less of a David Fan. I'm obviously a fan of both and I think I have a right to react to what Hu Defu said, just as I would have a right to react if Hu Defu made a comment about DAvid.

Third, the fact that you wrote "go and listen to some Leehom songs instead" really offended me.
You say it's your comments and you have a right to make it. I never said you didn't, I just merely disagreed with what Hu defu said, but the fact that you had to come out and attack me after I MADE A COMMENT and say go listen to Leehom songs instead, what's that supposed to mean? As a David fan must I always agree it everything written on this blog?


Zhao said...

errrr.....did u notice the disruption in the shoutbox? Also since u dun leave a name, I dun know which comment u made.

Anonymous said...

Hi Zhaodi, I'm sry to hear abt such stuff happening to your blog as i've been a regular reader of yours and so qualify enuff to say a few words that i'd think it has never been your intention to stir up hatred against any celebrities. As what i've read thus far, there may be some criticism unfavorable to other celebrities but never had it came across as defamation. There's fine line between it but i've thought you've handle it well, becos IMHO anyone who is old enuff and has a mind of his/her own would be able to judge for themselves whether they want to believe it or not. As a fan of DT as well as this blog, here is a place where we indulge ourselves in the fondness of DT, exchanged thoughts, opinions and like it or not criticisms about DT or others and the last thing we'll like is to have a debate over the rights to freedom of speech. One thing that baffles me is the "wars" we creating here as said by one reader(in the shoutbox), it has been overstated when this is only a blog and not a forum where battlefields of speech are far more likely to exists. I'd suggests read the blog in a light-hearted manner, the way it has presented it to be and as intended by the writer. That's how we enjoy reading it like l always did, read it fun as somethings are meant not to be taken to heart. :)

Peace out.